Terms and Conditions of the MAXIMA AITÄH Loyalty Programme

The AITÄH Loyalty Programme is the loyalty programme of MAXIMA Eesti OÜ (hereinafter referred to MAXIMA), registration code 10765896, registered address Aiandi 13/2, Tallinn, Estonia.

Based on an environmentally sustainable mindset, we prefer paperless and also plastic-free transactions whenever possible, using electronic means and channels, and recommending a digital card to the customer as a priority when making the AITÄH card.

The objective of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme (hereinafter also referred to as the Programme) is to provide you with benefits and to create the following added value for you and for us:

  • to give programme participants the opportunity to buy products or order services on preferential terms, organise promotions and offer discounts and other benefits;
  • to retain our existing shoppers and attract new ones, and build long-term relationships with them;
  • to get to know and understand the shopper, the programme participant, their needs and expectations;
  • to take into account the needs of shoppers when developing MAXIMA stores, striving to make MAXIMA the most convenient store for shoppers.

1% MAXIMA money earned to Aitäh account

When you swipe your AITÄH card at the bank terminal or scan your digital card with the Maxima App when shopping at MAXIMA stores, you will earn 1% of the purchase amount as MAXIMA money paid to your account. You also earn MAXIMA money when you buy from the BARBORA online store (www.barbora.ee).

The value of one MAXIMA money unit is €1. The MAXIMA money earned can be used in MAXIMA stores to cover up to 100% of the purchase amount.

You can choose how much of the purchase you want to cover with MAXIMA money at the self-service checkout or in the app, or tell the cashier at the regular checkout. The MAXIMA money earned will not be exchanged for cash.

MAXIMA money cannot be earned for and cannot be used to pay for tobacco products, smoking accessories, alcoholic beverages, MAXIMA gift cards or discount vouchers, services provided by third parties (topping up prepaid cards, lottery tickets, bus passes and services related to public transport, train and bus tickets, packaging, etc.). We reserve the right (by notifying you in MAXIMA stores and/or on the website www.maxima.ee) to permanently or temporarily set a different percentage of MAXIMA money earned for certain products or to prohibit payment for certain products and services with MAXIMA cash.


Maxima money expires on the last day of March each year

The MAXIMA money earned during the calendar year is valid until the last day of March next year. For example, the MAXIMA money earned in 2023 is valid until 31 March 2024. The MAXIMA money not used within the fixed validity period will be cancelled and will not be refunded to the programme participant.

If, in a case provided for by law, you return a product that you used MAXIMA money to purchase, you have the option to get the back the MAXIMA money you used to buy the product. Therefore, we recommend that you keep the receipt showing the amount of MAXIMA money spent on the product. If you do not have the receipt, MAXIMA reserves the right not to refund the MAXIMA money used to purchase the product.

When you log in your AITÄH account on maxima.ee (link http://aitah.maxima.ee/), you can see:

  • the balance of the MAXIMA money earned;

  • receive a statement of purchases made with your AITÄH card (excluding purchases made in the BARBORA e-shop) and the use of MAXIMA money for the last 2 years from the date of purchase;

  • your personal data and update your data;

  • manage consents.


Special prices for a loyal customer with AITÄH card

We constantly organise promotions in our stores that benefit the programme participants and offer discounts or special prices for loyal customers, which are only available to customers participating in the loyalty programme.

We can provide you with offers, account offers, personal offers and partner offers.

Depending on the type of the offers and your choices (see the details in Chapter 2 of the Privacy Policy of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme), we may make offers on our website www.maxima.ee, in newsletters, price booklets, receipts, on the AITÄH account, in the app, by email, by phone, on our social networks and through other information channels.


For your birthday, we give you a -10% discount coupon*

The -10% birthday discount coupon, which is valid for 3 days before, on the birthday and 3 days after the birthday, once you have verified your details by logging in securely with either your ID-card, Smart-ID, or Mobile-ID.

The birthday discount coupon applies to regular-priced products (excluding alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco; lottery tickets; gift cards; third party services; prepaid mobile cards; deposit packaging; promotion products; discounted products; books, newspapers, magazines, calendars).

AITÄH Card and Data Update Campaign - 5% discount coupon* on Your Next Purchase

By updating your AITÄH card and personal data and agreeing to receive information about the best offers and benefits, you will activate a -5% discount coupon on your next purchase. This is a one-time discount valid for 7 days from the date the data changes are saved. The discount coupon applies to regular-priced products (excluding alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco; lottery tickets; gift cards; third party services; prepaid mobile cards; deposit packaging; promotion products; discounted products; books, newspapers, magazines, calendars).

Discount coupon application procedure

If multiple discount coupons are activated at the same time, the highest discount offer will be automatically applied at the time of purchase.

If both the -10% birthday discount coupon and the -5% discount coupon for data update and/or other discount coupons are activated at the same time, the higher discount (-10%) will be automatically applied. The lower discount (-5%) will not be applied or deferred in this case.

Please note!

Benefits: to use all benefits, you need to identify yourself online in the Aitäh card environment on the website Maxima.ee or in the Maxima app, by logging in with your ID-card, Smart-ID, or Mobile-ID.

Please note that if you do not log in with your Mobile-ID, ID-card or Smart-ID, Maxima will not be able to offer you all the benefits that come with the Loyalty Programme.

Benefits offered by partners: Maxima Eesti OÜ is not liable to the customer for any possible material or non-material damage, if the cooperation partner refuses to provide the discount for any reason.

 *Paper coupons are not issued. The discount coupon will be automatically applied at checkout during the period of validity of the discount coupon.

In order to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, you must be a natural person aged 14 or over and own an AITÄH card, which may be an AITÄH plastic card and/or an AITÄH digital card. You may have an AITÄH plastic card and an AITÄH digital card at the same time. The easiest way to participate in the loyalty programme is to download the Maxima app and make a digital card or link an existing plastic card to a digital card (this is not linking, but adding a plastic card to the app).


Issue and registration of the AITÄH card


AITÄH digital card in the Maxima app

Download the Maxima app

You can create your AITÄH digital card free of charge using the MAXIMA app. The AITÄH digital card created with the app is automatically activated and can be used immediately. When you create an AITÄH digital card in the app or link the app to an AITÄH digital card, an AITÄH account is automatically created if you did not have an AITÄH account before.


AITÄH plastic art

You can buy the AITÄH plastic card in all MAXIMA stores. The price of the AITÄH plastic card is indicated in the current price list.

In order to activate and start using the card you have purchased, you must enter your details on the website, agree to the loyalty conditions and confirm that your details are correct. In order to do this, fill in the AITÄH form at http://aitah.maxima.ee/ or make your request at the information desk or checkout in the store. Complete the card registration according to the instructions sent in a text message; you will need a smartphone. We can send text messages only to Estonian numbers. A customer with a foreign country’s number can only get a digital card.

When you fill in the virtual AITÄH registration form, you are entrusting us with certain personal data. Detailed information about the personal data we process about you, the personal data we collect and process, what we use then for, how long we keep them, etc. is set out in our Privacy Policy.

It is important to note that your AITÄH plastic card will only become active and allow you to use the benefits of the programme if you have completed the AITÄH registration form correctly, read and agreed to the terms and conditions and Privacy Policy, and verified the data by logging in securely, either with an ID card, Smart ID, or Mobile ID.

We can send you birthday coupons and special offers if you have subscribed for the newsletter that sends you information about the benefits. You can withdraw your consent at any time. If there is no consent, MAXIMA will not be able to offer you a birthday discount voucher.

In order to complete the registration of your AITÄH plastic card on http://aitah.maxima.ee/, you need to confirm it. You will receive a registration confirmation code by email or text message, which you must enter in the field provided in your AITÄH account. Entering the registration confirmation code received by text message or email confirms your registration.


Important information

In order to ensure the proper functioning of the AITÄH plastic card, you must avoid exposing the plastic card to high temperatures and electromagnetic fields. Avoid mechanical damage, keep it safe and away from your mobile phone, keys, lighters, etc. We recommend getting a digital card.


Replacing the AITÄH card and linking it to a new plastic card or digital card

If you have previously had an AITÄH Card but no longer have it (for example, you lost it, it does not work, is worn out) and you have purchased or created a new AITÄH card, the balance of the MAXIMA money accumulated on the old AITÄH card can be transferred to the new AITÄH card and the data of the purchases made with your old AITÄH card can be linked to the purchase data of the new AITÄH card in our loyal customer data systems.

AITÄH cards can be linked at the checkouts in the MAXIMA X shop and at the information desk in the MAXIMA XX XXX shops.

In order to link your AITÄH card at a checkout or information desk of a MAXIMA store, present your old AITÄH plastic card to the cashier and to link it to your new card, say or enter your date of birth and phone number using the bank terminal. You will immediately receive a confirmation code by text message, which you can also enter in the bank terminal or tell the cashier. Information on plastic cards having been successfully linked, the transfer of MAXIMA money and programme offers is given on the receipt. A new text message will be sent to you with a link that will take you to the virtual loyalty programme registration form, where you must log in securely with your ID card, Smart ID, or Mobile ID, and update your contact details and agree to the terms and conditions of the loyalty programme, which is a condition of participation in the programme.

In order to ensure the security of your personal data and the personal data of other participants in our programme, we will first identify you when linking your AITÄH cards (see Privacy Policy for information on how to identify yourself as a participant in the program). If you did not provide your correct birthday date and/or phone number earlier when you received your AITÄH card, it may happen that identification fails and we will not be able to link the AITÄH cards. Please note that with our help, you can only link your AITÄH plastic cards once your new AITÄH card has been registered, i.e. once you have completed the virtual AITÄH card registration form (for more information, see the chapter “Issue and registration of the AITÄH card”).


Blocking an AITÄH card

If you no longer have an AITÄH card (for example, if you have lost it), we recommend blocking it immediately. You can do it on your AITÄH account or by sending us an email to klienditugi@maxima.ee or calling us on freephone 800 2121.

The AITÄH digital card can also be blocked in the MAXIMA app.

In order to block your AITÄH card (on your AITÄH account), log in your AITÄH account and tick ‘block card’ on the AITÄH registration form. The card will be blocked immediately after this operation. If the notification about your AITÄH card being blocked turns out to be false, you can unblock your car on the AITÄH account by removing the corresponding blocking flag.

If you want to block your AITÄH card through us (by any of the above means), we will again first identify you (see the Privacy Policy for information on how to identify yourself as a participant in the programme). If the verification fails, we cannot block the AITÄH card. If we receive a message from you requesting to block your AITÄH card and we are able to identify you, we will block your AITÄH card on the same day (if it is a working day) or on the next working day after receiving the message (if the message arrives on a day off or public holiday).

A blocked AITÄH card is inactive and can no longer be used for any actions – to earn or use MAXIMA money, to receive offers, the benefits of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme or promotions. The status of the AITÄH card remains ‘Blocked’ in our system for three (3) months. If you unblock your AITÄH card during this period, you can continue to use your AITÄH card as normal. If you purchase a new AITÄH card during the blocking period and link the AITÄH cards (see the chapter “Replacing the AITÄH card and linking it to a new plastic card or digital card”), the balance of MAXIMA money will be transferred to the new AITÄH card and the data of the old AITÄH card will be linked to the new AITÄH card. If the AITÄH card is not unblocked within three (3) months and it is not linked, the AITÄH card will be irrevocably blocked after three (3) months, your AITÄH account will be deleted and your participation in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme will end.

The AITÄH account has been created specifically for AITÄH Loyalty Programme participants. The AITÄH account is linked to a specific person and AITÄH card. A separate AITÄH account must be created for each AITÄH card.

On the AITÄH account you can:

  • change or delete your personal data;
  • give and withdraw consent to offers and the provision of information, to profiling for this purpose, as well as to choose and modify the channels for receiving information;
  • block the AITÄH card and unblock the AITÄH card on the provided the conditions;
  • view the purchase history of your active valid AITÄH card in MAXIMA stores in the last two (2) years;
  • view the balance of MAXIMA money;
  • stop participating in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme;
  • change settings and options, and do other things.


As the AITÄH account is linked to a specific AITÄH Card, only the history of a valid AITÄH card will be presented on the AITÄH account. If you have changed your AITÄH Card, the usage history of the old AITÄH card will not be displayed in the AITÄH account even if you have linked the AITÄH cards.

If you have purchased a new AITÄH card and registered it by filling in the virtual AITÄH registration form at http://aitah.maxima.ee/, an AITÄH account will be created automatically when you register your new AITÄH card.

If you have more than one AITÄH card today, each person can have only one AITÄH card from June 2024.

An AITÄH account can be generated in the app by creating an AITÄH virtual card or by linking an existing AITÄH card, if the participant has not created an AITÄH account before.

If a programme participant creates an AITÄH account in the app, they can also log in with their login details at http://aitah.maxima.ee/.

When registering an AITÄH account, we recommend that you log in with your ID card, Smart ID or Mobile ID, in exceptional cases you can also log in with email or phone number and password, but in this case you will not receive the -10% Birthday Coupon. In order to reduce the risk of unlawful logins to your AITÄH account, we recommend that you create a complicated, hard-to-guess password and change it at least every 6 (six) months. The password could consist of at least 8 characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Avoid easily guessed words, such as your first and last name, and numbers, such as your date of birth. You are responsible for the complexity of the login credentials you create and for maintaining them, as well as for any actions taken while logged in to your AITÄH account with your personal username and password.

Participation in the programme may be terminated at your or our initiative in the following cases:

  • if you submit a request for termination your participation in the programme to us;

  • if you block your AITÄH card and do not unblock it within three months;

  • if we change the terms and conditions and/or the Privacy Policy and/or ask you to provide the necessary consents for the further performance of the programme, but you do not wish to provide us with such consents, or if you withdraw your consent in relation to the applicable terms and conditions and/or Privacy Policy, we may block your AITÄH Card and/or discontinue your further participation in the programme if failure to provide your consents will not allow us to continue to allow the use of the AITÄH card and/or participation in the programme given the purpose of the AITÄH card and/or the programme and the technical options of the AITÄH card and/or the programme (we cannot guarantee the functioning of the AITÄH card and/or the programme);

  • if you violate the rules of the AITÄH card and/or AITÄH account, e.g. use an AITÄH card and/or AITÄH account that does not belong to you illegally, or otherwise attempt to harm the stability, security, our interests or the interests of other participants in the programme and/or AITÄH account, your AITÄH card and/or AITÄH account may be blocked without further notice and your membership irrevocably terminated;

  • if we decide to terminate the programme and give you notice of the termination at least thirty (30) days in advance on www.maxima.ee, on your AITÄH account, in MAXIMA stores and/or through other communication channels;

  • in the cases set out in the Privacy Policy (e.g. if you withdraw all consents or request erasure of all data);

  • If you have not used your AITÄH-card for 14 (fourteen) consecutive months, i.e., you have not presented the card when making a purchase in MAXIMA stores, and have not used the card in the BARBORA e-store, we will automatically and permanently block your AITÄH-card without any further notice.

If you supply a request for termination of your participation in the programme, withdraw your acceptance of the applicable terms and conditions and/or Privacy Policy, or block your AITÄH card for any other reason, your AITÄH card will be given the ‘blocked’ status for a period of three months. During these three months, you will have the opportunity to change your mind and continue to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme. In order to do this, you only need to change the status of your AITÄH card in your AITÄH account. If the AITÄH card is not unblocked within three months, your participation in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme will be terminated, your AITÄH account will be deleted and all data will be erased or anonymised in such a way that the processing of your personal data is no longer possible.


Loss of AITÄH card

If you lose your issued AITÄH card, MAXIMA is not responsible for the retention of MAXIMA money collected on the AITÄH card and is not obligated to compensate for it.

We reserve the right to change the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and its benefits at any time. We will announce the changes made to the programme on www.maxima.ee, in the Maxima app, on the AITÄH account, in MAXIMA stores and/or through other communication channels a reasonable time before the changes take effect.



Last updated on 24.05.2024


By registering as a user of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, you entrust MAXIMA Eesti OÜ (hereinafter MAXIMA) with your personal data and give it the right to process your personal data to the extent, in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to the privacy policy of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, MAXIMA cannot offer you the opportunity to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, as MAXIMA cannot guarantee the operation of the programme or provide you with the benefits of the programme.

If you are already a user of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, you can send an email to klienditugi@maxima.ee or call us on freephone 800 2121 to cancel your membership.

MAXIMA assumes that the user of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme is a natural person at least 14 years of age, whose personal data provided are accurate and correct, and all consents have been given voluntarily, specifically, knowingly and unambiguously, having thoroughly read the Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions of the Loyalty Programme, and who understand the consequences of the consent and the possibilities and consequences of withdrawing consent. In this Privacy Policy, you will find all the information about the personal data we collect and process, what we use them for, how long we retain them, etc. This information is important, so we hope you will read it carefully.

We respect your privacy and the security of your personal data is our priority. We take appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure that your personal data is protected at all times and that data processing operations comply with data protection legislation and the requirements of our internal policies. 

The AITÄH Card we issue and your AITÄH account are connected to you name, you will need to log in either in the online environment or in the Maxima application with your ID card, Smart ID or Mobile ID or create a password when logging in before entering your details.

Please note that MAXIMA Eesti OÜ may amend, supplement or update this Privacy Policy. 

If you use the AITÄH Card at the points of sale of our programme partners (e.g. BARBORA online shop) and also use the MAXIMA application, please make sure you read the privacy policies, rules and notices of these programme partners and the MAXIMA application.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy are the same as the terms used in the Terms of Use, unless otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.


1. General provisions

 1.1.        The Privacy Policy describes why and how the MAXIMA processes the personal data of a use of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme (hereinafter the User). The Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Use of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme of Maxima.

 1.2.        MAXIMA Eesti OÜ is the controller of the personal data of the User.

 1.3.        Personal data are any information on identified or identifiable natural persons. Personal data processing includes any procedure performed with personal data or sets of personal data, such as collecting, documenting, systematising, retaining, querying, reading, using, distributing and erasing personal data.

 1.4.        In personal data processing, MAXIMA proceeds from the applicable legal acts related to data protection, above all Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter the GDPR).

2. Which personal data do we process and why?

 2.1.        Registering for the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and creating an AITÄH account

Personal dataYour name and surname, date of birth, e-mail address and/or telephone number with the prefix +372, personal identification code*
Legal basis for processing Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR
Data retention period

The entire time you participate in the loyalty programme

In addition, your personal data after your participation in the programme has ended, solely to enable us to defend ourselves in the event of claims, complaints or actions brought against us.

*Name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, Estonian phone number and personal identification code must be provided when registering with Mobile ID, Smart ID or ID card. Date of birth and Estonian phone number are required when issuing a physical card.

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

On the basis of the information you provide in your registration form, we will create a unique account in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme (hereinafter the AITÄH Account), which will ensure your participation in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, provide you with programme offers and the exercise of your rights under the terms and conditions set out in the rules and/or this Privacy Policy.

When registering at a store, MAXIMA will send a confirmation code to your phone to activate and validate your AITÄH Account, after which the customer will have to fill in a virtual registration form, either on the website or by downloading the Maxima application. And by filling in the virtual registration form and accepting the terms and conditions, you can participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme.

We will also be able to identify you as the holder of the relevant AITÄH Card on the basis of the data provided in the virtual personal data form, for example, if you replace a worn or lost card with a new one and would like to merge the cards, want to update or change your data, contact us to provide certain personal information, exercise rights related to the processing of personal data, etc.

We will also use the contact information (email address, phone number) you provide in the registration form for the purposes of communicating with you, including responding to your inquiries and comments, to provide you with important information about the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, changes to the rules and/or Privacy Policy, to contact you if you have forgotten your purchases or wallet, or if we discover errors in transactions, etc.

It is very important that the data you provide are accurate and correct. If you enter incorrect (untrue) data, forget them or fail to update changed data, we may have difficulty ensuring that you can comfortably take full advantage of the programme, we may also experience difficulties in providing you with the services you have requested or in exercising your rights and, in certain cases, we may be forced to block your AITÄH Card and suspend your participation in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme (e.g. we may need to obtain or renew consents necessary to comply with the programme, but are unable to locate and identify you as the holder of the relevant AITÄH Card).


 2.2.        Management of the AITÄH Account and administration of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme

Personal dataThe number of your AITÄH Card, the data provided upon registration, the data provided in the AITÄH account (including the login data of the AITÄH account, actions in the AITÄH account, technical browsing data: IP address, technical login and browsing information), information about the status of the AITÄH Card (active or blocked), purchase details (store address, date and time, name and quantity of products, total price (including before and after deduction of all discounts), MAXIMA money earned details (amount, amount spent at the time of purchase), balance in AITÄH account), amount of discounts received with the AITÄH Card, history of personal offers made to you and information on how they were used, coupon numbers (identifying which offers are valid with the AITÄH Card), technical information required for data transmission (e.g. session ID), information on offers from AITÄH Loyalty Programme partners.
Legal basis for processing Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR
Data retention period

As a legal obligation, we retain your purchase data in the loyal customer system for seven (7) years from the date of the purchase transaction.

We retain all other data for the entire time you participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme.

At the end of this period, we will delete these data or anonymise them in a way that no longer allows us to process your personal data. We will therefore irrevocably cancel the link between your AITÄH card number, your registration data and your other personal information. 

We will retain your personal data further only if it is necessary to enable us to defend ourselves in the event of claims, complaints or actions brought against us.

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

When processing the given data, we can manage your AITÄH account and offer you the benefits of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme without any errors. The programme benefits offered to you include: collection, use and refund of MAXIMA money, participation in promotions, discounts, discount vouchers e.g. birthday vouchers, etc.

The session ID and other information provided in your AITÄH account is necessary to keep your user logged in, as well as to guarantee security and availability. For example, to check account activity when a user’s account has been used without their consent. In this case, we can identify the person who carried out the activities. The data are also used to provide users with a better user experience and to reduce anomalies in the application.

For example, we may analyse your purchase data to correct operational errors for your benefit. If we become aware that our purchasers have been incorrectly priced on a product due to an error or that a discount has not been applied, we may use the purchase data to identify the holders of the AITÄH Card and correct our error (refund the price difference, etc.). We may also analyse the data to get to know our programme participants better and to improve the programme. It is important to keep in mind that our data analysis has no legal or similar meaningful effect for you.

If you lose, block or replace your SIM card when it expires, you have the option to link the data from the old card with the new one (see the terms and conditions for how to do this). If the linking is successful, your old AITÄH Card data will be linked to the data of the new AITÄH Card and your purchase history will continue to be processed, subject to the data retention period.

For the purposes of administering the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, we may transmit the following information to the programme partners: information about the status of your AITÄH Card (active or blocked), errors detected about the status of cards (e.g. information that the card is blocked), the last four digits of the AITÄH Card, the balance of MAXIMA money on the AITÄH Card, coupon identification numbers, valid offers with your AITÄH Card, technical information necessary for data transmission (e.g. session ID). We may receive the following information from these programme partners about your use of the AITÄH Card at their points of sales and service establishments: the number of your AITÄH Card, the purchase amount, the amount of MAXIMA money earned, the ID of the purchase receipt and other technical information required for data transmission (e.g. session ID). For more detailed information on the partners of our AITÄH Loyalty Programme, please see http://aitah.maxima.ee/.


 2.3.        Transmission of loyalty programme offers and information

Personal dataThe number of you AITÄH Card, your name, email address and/or phone number, date of birth.
Legal basis for processingThe User has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for this purpose (Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
Data retention period

The entire time you participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and have not withdrawn your consent.

In addition, we will retain your consent and the proof that it was given after your participation in the programme has ended and solely to enable us to defend ourselves in the event of claims, complaints or actions brought against us.

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

If you give your consent, we will send you offers, account offers and partner offers through the communication channels of your choice (by telephone (text message) and/or by telephone and/or by email and/or in social networks) (hereinafter Communication Channels).

In your AITÄH account, you will always see offers, account offers and partner offers. We can also present these offers to you on the receipt.

If you do not have an AITÄH account and/or if you have not opted in to receive them through our communication channels, you can also find offers and partner offers on our company’s website www.maxima.ee, in at the checkouts in MAXIMA store, price lists and in our newsletter (if you subscribe to it). You can see the account offers and get them at the checkouts of MAXIMA stores by asking the cashier.

We may also analyse the data to offer additional benefits to certain categories of shoppers: those celebrating a birthday; those who make their purchases in particular stores of the company; those who purchase certain products; or other offers.

You can opt out of or modify the offers, account offers and partner offers at any time through the communication channels of your choice. Please inform us of your opt-out by sending an email to klienditugi@maxima.ee or by calling us on 800 2121. Your opt-out does not prevent you from participating in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and enjoying its other benefits.

If you opt out of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, you will continue to receive MAXIMA’s general offers and information on your receipts, which are presented to shoppers in MAXIMA stores without processing any personal data.


 2.4.        Receiving digital receipts to AITÄH account

Personal dataThe User’s details of the purchases made (date and time of purchase, name of the item, quantity, total purchase price, amount of discounts given with the AITÄH Card).
Legal basis for processingArticle 6(1)(b) of the GDPR
Data retention periodDigital receipts are stored in your AITÄH account for two (2) years from the date of purchase.
Your purchase data will be kept for seven (7) years from the date of purchase (Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR).

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

MAXIMA issues digital receipts to the AITÄH account of the user who has signed up to the AITÄH Loyalty Programme. You can access digital receipts in the account of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme.

 2.5.        The data collected in the AITÄH account application under the AITÄH Loyalty Programme will be retained for the periods or according to the criteria set out in the Privacy Policy of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme. Compilation of statistics for shopper behaviour and market research

Personal dataDate of birth and age, purchase details (including store, date and time of purchase, name and quantity of products, total purchase price, amount of discounts received with the AITÄH card).
Legal basis for processing

The processing of personal data is necessary on the basis of legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)

It is in our legitimate interest to analyse data and produce the reports needed to assess our performance and create value for you as a customer and for the company’s business.

Data retention periodseven (7) years.

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

The AITÄH Loyalty Programme aims to deliver benefits and added value to you and our business. We constantly strive to make sure that our stores, product range, promotions and discounts are as relevant as possible to our shoppers’ needs, that we are conveniently accessible, that shoppers feel at home in our stores, and that they can easily find the products and services they need.

We use automated data analytics to study statistics, market and consumer behaviour and to produce the reports we need to run our business. For the purposes of this analysis, we use non-personalised data and do not process your contact information or any other personal information about you (e.g. name, etc.), therefore we do not consider this to be personal data processing. Data analysis for the purposes of statistics, studying the behaviour of shoppers and market research allows us to make business decisions, such as providing a selection of goods that meets the needs of our shoppers, pricing, display of goods, establishment of stores based on where our shoppers live, etc.

Data analysis for the purpose of studying statistical indicators, market and shopper behaviour will not have a legal or similar meaningful effect on you.


 2.6.        Preparation and submission of birthday discounts

Personal dataName, surname, date of birth, phone number with +372 prefix and e-mail address, personal identification code.
Legal basis for processingThe User has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for this purpose (Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
Data retention periodUntil you delete your application account or withdraw your consent to receive commercial communications and personalised offers.
We will retain your consent and proof of your consent until the application account is deleted or longer to defend ourselves against claims, complaints or actions against us.

How and for what purpose do we use your personal data?

Once you have securely logged in to the Loyalty Programme using your ID Card, Smart ID or Mobile ID and have consented to receive the birthday coupon information, we can send you a birthday coupon to the channel of your choice, either to your phone number or to an email. The coupon is valid three (3) days before and three (3) days after your birthday and is automatically applied upon payment.

3. In which cases and to which third parties do we disclose your data?

We may transmit your data for processing to third parties who help us implement and administer the AITÄH Loyalty Programme. Such persons may include mobile application creators, mobile application data libraries, database software providers, database administration service providers, providers of data centre, hosting and cloud services, mobile application maintenance service providers, direct marketing service providers (including internet and mobile application), advertising (including internet and mobile application), market research or business analytics, security service providers, other service providers, etc. In all cases, we will only give the data processor as much data as is necessary for the fulfilment of a specific order or the provision of a specific service. The data processors working for us may process your personal data only in accordance with our instructions. In addition, they undertake to ensure the security of your data in accordance with applicable law and written agreements with us.

Based on your consent to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, we may also exchange your data (see Chapter 1.5 of the Privacy Policy) with AITÄH Loyalty Programme partners for the purposes of applying discounts or promotions at the points of sale or service establishments of the partners of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and for the administration of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme.

For more detailed information on the partners of our AITÄH Loyalty Programme, please see our website.

The data may also be submitted to competent authorities or law enforcement authorities, such as the police or supervisory institutions, but only if they request this and only if required by applicable law or in cases and procedures provided for by law, in order to safeguard our rights and the security of our shoppers, employees and resources and to disclose, bring and defend legal claims.

Information about the recipients of your personal data when you use the application is set out in the terms of use and privacy policy of the application.

4. What rights do data protection laws give you and how can you exercise them?

Data protection legislation gives you many rights that you are free to exercise, and we have to ensure that you have the option to do that. Information about your specific rights and how to exercise them is set out below in this Privacy Policy, please read it carefully.

Detailed information about your rights and how to exercise them when using the application can be found in the terms of use and privacy policy of the application. 

 4.1. Right to access your personal data that we process

You have the right to obtain our confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal data, as well as the right to access the personal data processed and information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of data processed, the categories of data recipients, the period of data processing, the sources from which data are received, automated decision making, including profiling, and its meaning and consequences for you.

We provide most of this information to you in this Privacy Policy and we believe it is useful to you.

If you have an AITÄH account, you can access the personal data we process (e.g. check your current registration information, your consents), view your personal offers, get the history of your AITÄH CARD transactions (MAXIMA money earned and spent) for the last two years (except for purchases made in the BARBORA e-shop) and check your MAXIMA money balance at any time in your AITÄH account. Please note that the AITÄH account is linked to a specific AITÄH Card, therefore only the history of a valid AITÄH card will be presented on the account. If you have changed tour AITÄH Card, the usage history of the old card will not be displayed in the AITÄH account even if you have linked the cards.

If the information provided in this Privacy Policy and in your AITÄH account is not sufficient for you, you can always contact us.

 4.2. Right to rectify personal data

If the information you provided to us on your registration form has changed, or if you believe that the information we are processing about you is inaccurate or incorrect, you have the right to request that it be amended, clarified or corrected.

You can correct your data yourself on your AITÄH account or by submitting an updated registration form to the AITÄH Loyalty Programme. You can also contact us and ask us to correct or clarify your information by sending an email to klienditugi@maxima.ee or by calling us on 800 2121.

 4.3. The right to withdraw your consent

If we process your data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and the processing based on your consent will be stopped.

For example, you have the option at any time to withdraw your consent to receive programme offers and information, as well as your consent to the profiling of data to provide you with personalised programme offers. Withdrawal of these consents does not prevent you from continuing to participate in the Loyalty Programme and to take advantage of its other benefits, but it does mean that we will not be able to send you any useful offers. If you do not agree to receive programme offers and information, you will still be able to view general information, MAXIMA store promotions, discounts and news, as well as general programme offers and promotions and offers and promotions for AITÄH account holders on your AITÄH account.

You can correct your consents (revoke or re-grant them) by submitting an updated registration form for of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, by changing the consent settings in your AITÄH account or by contacting us as set out in Chapter 6 of this Privacy Policy. If you withdraw your consent to receive programme offers and information as well as your consent to receive personalised offers and to be profiled, we will stop sending offers from the programme within 10 working days.

However, if you withdraw your consent to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme, you will no longer be able to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme or the its respective part.

If your consent is no longer valid, or if it is revoked or withdrawn, we will destroy the data processed during your consent and, in the cases set out in the Privacy Policy, anonymise that data in a reliable and irreversible way.

We may retain your consent and the proof that it was given also longer after your participation in the programme has ended to enable us to defend ourselves in the event of claims, complaints or actions brought against us.

 4.4. Right to lodge a complaint

If you believe that we are breaching data protection law by processing your data, please always contact us first. We believe that with our goodwill efforts, we will be able to dispel any doubts you may have, answer your questions, satisfy your requests and correct the mistakes we have made, if any. You will find our contact details in point 8 of the Privacy Policy.

If you are not satisfied with our proposed solution to the problem, or if you believe that we are not taking the necessary steps in response to your request, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Inspectorate. You will find the contact details of the Data Protection Inspectorate at www.aki.ee.

 4.5. Right to object if processing is based on legitimate interests, including to profiling

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data where it is processed in our legitimate interests and for profiling purposes. However, taking into account the objectives of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and the balance of legitimate interests of both parties (you as the data subject and us as the controller), this may mean that by ceasing to process your data based on our legitimate interests, we will not be able to offer you the opportunity to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme in the future.

If you wish to exercise the right referred to in this chapter, please submit a written request to our data protection officer.

 4.6. Right to data erasure (“right to be forgotten”)

If certain circumstances set out in the data protection legislation (unlawful processing of personal data, loss of the basis for processing, etc.) arise, you have the right to request that we erase your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right, please submit a written request to our data protection officer.

If your data are erased at your request, you will no longer be able to participate in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme or its respective part.

Please note that your registration data will be deleted without your separately submitted request and other data will be erased or anonymised in a trustworthy manner if you cease to be a member of the AITÄH Loyalty Programme or if your membership is terminated in the cases provided for in the rules.

However, we will not be able to erase your data if we are required to retain them by law (for example, we are required to retain the accounting spruce documents for seven (7) years (your purchase data)).

 4.7. Right to restrict data processing

You also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances set out in the data protection legislation (if the personal data is processed unlawfully, if you contest the accuracy of the data, if you do not consent to the processing on the basis of our legitimate interest, etc.).

If you wish to exercise the right referred to in this chapter, please submit a written request to our data protection officer.

 4.8. Right to data portability

You have the right to transfer to another data controller the data that we process with your consent and that are processed by automated means in a structured, commonly used format and in machine-readable format in accordance with the procedures set out in the GDPR. We will submit to you the data you wish to transfer in the usual computer-readable format used in our systems and, if you request it and we have the technical capacity, we will send the data directly to another data controller indicated by you.

If you wish to exercise the right pf data transfer, please submit a written request to our data protection officer.

 4.9. Procedure for processing requests

If we receive a request from you regarding the submission of data or the exercise of your other rights, we have a duty to ensure that the AITÄH Card has been issued to you to protect the data of all of our shoppers from unlawful disclosure. For this purpose, we may ask you to provide us with the most up-to-date information from your registration form (e.g. name, date of birth, email address or phone number) – we will check whether the information you provide matches the corresponding information in the registration form. As part of this verification, we may also send a verification message to the contact detail (text message or email) indicated on the registration form of the AITÄH card, asking you to undergo the authorisation process, and we may request additional documents or data. If the verification procedure fails (e.g. the information you gave in the registration form does not match the information provided in the registration form of the AITÄH Card or you do not pass authorisation by the text message or email message you received), we are forced to conclude that you are not the subject of the requested data and reject the request you have submitted.

If we receive a request from you to exercise any of your rights and the verification referred to above is successful, we are obliged to provide you with information about the action we have taken on the basis of your request, without giving any reason, without undue delay and in any case no later than one month from the date of receipt of your request and the completion of the verification. Due to the complexity and volume of requests, we have the right to extend the one-month period for a further two months, by notifying you before the end of the first month and stating the reasons for such an extension.

If you submit a request electronically, we will also respond to you electronically, unless this is not possible (e.g. because of excessive data volume) or if you ask us to respond to you in another way.

We will refuse to respond to your request with a reasoned reply (if the circumstances set out in the legislation are found to exist) by informing you thereof in writing.

5. Security of personal data

The secure retention of personal data is a priority for MAXIMA. MAXIMA makes every effort to prevent unauthorised access to and the disclosure and other unlawful processing of personal data. MAXIMA protects the confidentiality and inviolability of the personal data and ensures access to personal data in line with legal acts in force.

MAXIMA does not process personal data outside the European Economic Area and does not forward them to countries outside the European Economic Area.

In order to protect the data subject’s personal data, MAXIMA applies appropriate protective measures against (i) accidental or unlawful destruction or (ii) accidental loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or access and (iii) any unlawful processing.

MAXIMA consistently adheres to the principle of minimising personal data and does not collect any data that can be used to directly identify a natural person (e.g. surname, address).

6. Retention of personal data

MAXIMA retains personal data for as long as the User participates in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme and has not withdrawn their consent. MAXIMA keeps the consent given by the User and the proof of consent even after the withdrawal of consent in order to defend itself against claims, complaints or actions, if necessary.

As a legal obligation, MAXIMA retains your purchase data for seven years from the date of the purchase transaction.

Purchase data are retained in the system for seven years from the date of the purchase transaction and at the end of this period, we will delete the data and/or anonymise it in a way that does not allow further processing of personal data. We will therefore irrevocably cancel the link between your AITÄH card number, the User’s registration data and the User’s other personal information.

If the User’s participation in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme is terminated earlier than the seven-year retention period of the purchase data, all of the User’s registration data and other personal information and the purchase data will be irretrievably and reliably deleted and pseudonymised.

If the User loses, blocks or replaces the card issued to them, the User has the option to link the data of the old and the new card (see the terms of use for how to do this). If the linking is successful, the purchase data of the User’s old AITÄH CARD will be linked to the purchase data of the new AITÄH Card and the processing of your purchase history will continue, subject to the seven-year processing limit.

If the User blocks their AITÄH card via their account, a temporary block will initially be applied, which is currently valid for up to three (3) months. During this period, the User will be able to unblock their account and restore it. If the User does not unblock the card within three (3) months, the card will be permanently blocked.

If MAXIMA no longer needs the personal data and their retention is not required by legal acts, the personal data are erased. MAXIMA may continue using personal data for statistical and market research purposes but only in anonymised form.

7. Contact details

MAXIMA’s address is Aiandi 13/2, 12918 Tallinn, Estonia. The email address is info@maxima.ee.

Contact details of the data protection officer:

Email address: dpo@maxima.ee

Postal address: Aiandi 13/2, 12918 Tallinn

In the case of notices or questions about personal data processing, please contact the data protection officer.

The communication between the data subject and MAXIMA is confidential and MAXIMA will seek to resolve all complaints and problems as soon as possible and in a fair manner.

8. Cookies

When you visit our website, you will be exposed to cookies (small information files sent to your computer or other device (such as your mobile phone), as well as similar analytical, functional and technical tools that can be stored in your browser. A cookie is sent to your computer or other device in order for it to store data and for us to be able to identify you as a participant in the AITÄH Loyalty Programme on our website. The information collected by the cookies allows us to provide you with a more convenient browsing experience, to present you with attractive offers and to learn more about the behaviour of our website users, to analyse trends and to improve both the website and your service and the AITÄH Loyalty Programme.

Our website also uses third party cookies and other similar technologies. These cookies are used to create a browsing history for each visitor, so that we can show you targeted advertising and ensure you have the best experience when browsing our website. If your browser allows third-party cookies to be saved, our chosen partner will have the option to save their cookies on your browser.

For more information about cookies, their use and opting out, please see the Cookie Policy.

9. Application of the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy does not apply to other services provided by us or our group companies, such as the www.maxima.ee website, payment services, issue of invoices, helpline or otherwise to the management of your questions, requests and/or complaints.